BASES Student Representatives
Meet the members of The BASES Student Advisory Group (SAG)
Victoria Tidmas
BASES Role: SAG Chair and Student Representative (PG) for the Physiology and Nutrition Division
About me: I am a 2nd year PhD student with the University of Hertfordshire where I also completed my undergraduate studies in Sports and Exercise Science. Mainly I am investigating the training, nutritional, and participation histories of extreme exercise athletes (ultra-endurance athletes and bodybuilders) on the kidney function and occurrence of acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) within these populations. I have also recently published a review paper regarding the guidelines for Transwomen competing in fencing. I am also a visiting lecturer for UH and have been involved in multiple modules for level 4, 5 and 6 undergraduates for Sport and Exercise Scientists. Currently, I am the lead in the Physiological Testing Consultancy at UH where we offer VO2max, blood lactate profiling, body composition tests, health screening, simulated altitude, and heat acclimation training. This year, alongside my research and teaching, I plan to achieve fellow status by completing the postgraduate certificate in Learning and Teaching program. In my free time I run my own swim school, teach for the local swimming club, and fly light aircraft. Interesting fact: Pilot
Benefits of BASES:I regret not being a member of BASES as an undergraduate student, I feel the CPDs, workshops, and especially the quarterly ‘The Sport and Exercise Scientist (TSES)’ would have been great and current resources from my first to my final year. As a postgraduate student I have used several BASES expert statements and TSES as reference material in my published papers. I continue to read each TSES to keep abreast of the current climate in sport science. As my interests align with the Physiology and Nutrition division, I have attended the virtual coffee mornings available to members about current topics such as the effectiveness of creatine and sodium bicarbonate on exercise performance, these were great for listening to and participating in debates with other like-minded individuals. The BASES student conference in April 2023 was a great chance to meet other student members and see seminars and poster presentations of exciting research, I recently attending the BASES annual conference.
Annabelle Skidmore
BASES Role: Student Representative (PG) for the Physical Activity for Health Division within BASES and SAG member.
About me: My education journey started at Newcastle University where I obtained a first-class honours BSc in Sports and Exercise Science, followed by an MSc in Exercise Physiology. I have now just begun my PhD embarking on my first year researching at Birmingham City University. I will be exploring physical activity, exercise, and nutrition in Phenylketonuria (PKU) through our S.P.O.R.T. project. PKU is a rare metabolic genetic disease, which I have myself, where the PAH enzyme which converts the amino acid phenylalanine (Phe) to tyrosine (Tyr) is impaired. If untreated it causes toxic levels of Phe to build up in the brain causing cognitive, neurological and physical disability. Newborn screening means every baby in the UK is now tested at birth. The primary form of treatment is an early implemented protein-restricted diet alongside amino acid supplementation which allows for a relatively normal life. There is little to no research on PKU in physical activity, exercise and nutrition and as a PKU athlete I am eager to find out the answers to many unanswered questions. Outside from studying, I am keen endurance runner competing in half marathons, 10K races alongside strength-training at the gym. I’ve always been involved in sport from a young age regularly training and competing in athletics events - coupled with PKU, it has given me the personal drive to research into this area. The passion I have for both sport and PKU will help me fulfil this PhD to the best of my ability.
BASES benefits: BASES has provided me with a platform to extend my knowledge further through CPD events, regular newsletters, conferences and the Division Days which are a great opportunity to hear the upcoming research into a variety of topics. I have been grateful to present my upcoming research at the Division days expanding my academic skills further. Additionally, being able to attend the Division Days across the disciplines is insightful, again it broadens your knowledge whilst also building your professional network – a key component for students when perusing career aspirations. I would encourage all students interested in this field to become a BASES student member, the experience, knowledge and connections you form will shape your future career path.
Patrick Mannix
BASES Role: SAG member and Student Representative (PG) for the Sport and Performance Representatives.
BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist.
About me: I am currently in the applied sport and exercise sciences professional doctorate program at Liverpool John Moores University, My doctoral research is evaluating player development initiatives and the youth-to-senior transition process in the North American domestic league, Major League Soccer.
I am based in Chicago, IL where I work full-time for the U.S. Soccer Federation as a senior sport scientist. My primary remit with U.S. Soccer is helping lead the organisation and delivery of a standardized performance support model for the youth national teams programme, which encompasses age categories from the under 14s all the way up to the under 20s. In addition, I am also on the ground to manage and deliver the performance support services for the under 23 men’s national team, as they prepare for the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
Benefits of BASES: As a BASES professional member, the key benefit for me was getting myself on the pathway towards BASES Accreditation, which I completed last year. As a dual full-time student and NGB sport science practitioner, I think being part of the UK’s largest network of sport and exercise science professionals is another key benefit that I want to better utilize as I continue to progress towards the conclusion of my doctoral research.
I hope to meet and connect with many of you in the near future. Please feel free to reach out anytime via email or LinkedIn.
Josh Till
BASES Role: SAG member and Student representatives for the Sport and Performance Division
About me: I first began my journey into higher education in 2018 where I started a BSc in sport and exercise science. In the final year of my BSc I done a placement with Worcester Warriors which provided me with some good experiences and a taste of what high performance strength and conditioning was like.
Following on from my BSc, I then completed an MSc in strength and conditioning. During the MSc I undergone a placement with British Judo which provided me with a wealth of experience working with elite athletes and provided me opportunity for further research. I am currently pursuing a part-time PhD investigating the effects of altitude training on judo performance. Alongside my PhD I also work as a sport laboratory technician at the university which involves assisting and supporting with teaching, research and consultation work, amongst many other duties. My research interests include: environmental training, strength and conditioning for combat sport, injury rehabilitation and return to play. Outside of the academia I regularly participate in combat sports including: Brazilian jiu jitsu, judo and freestyle wrestling.
BASES Benefits: The BASES student membership offers a wide range of benefits for undergraduate and postgraduate students alike. As a postgraduate student myself, I understand the importance of not only having a good understanding of core concepts and theories relating to sport and exercise, but also having the opportunity to network with other students. Whether it be to brush up on a given topic using the expanding library of video and written content or to connect with other like-minded students, the BASES student membership has got you covered. As an additional benefit, BASES members are offered various discounts with publishers such as, Human Kinetics and are provided with reduced rates at BASES events like webinars and different conferences.”
If you have any questions or just want to chat, then feel free to contact me using the following email address-
Julia Suchanecka
BASES Role: SAG member and Student Representative (UG) for the Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour Division.
About me: I've just recently graduated from Liverpool John Moores University with a BSc in Sport and Exercise Science.
BASES Benefits: The BASES member benefit I value the most is free attendance to member only Division Days, they are a great opportunity to network with professionals with similar interests to you and learn about emerging research in the field!
Lily Matthias
BASES Role: Student Representative (UG) for the Physiology and Nutrition Division
Molly Banks
BASES Role: SAG Member and Undergraduate Student Representative for the Psychology Division
About me: I am currently in my final year of my undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Loughborough University. I have a particular interest in dance, netball and football and with my degree providing me with the opportunity to partake in a placement year, I pursued this at Lincoln City Football Club as a sport psychology intern. I have a particular interest in the mental health element of sport as reflected in my current dissertation topic on the role of organisational stressors and mindset as predictors of burnout amongst individuals working in sport.
BASES Benefits: My membership at BASES has enabled me to be involved in various events that have pushed me outside of my comfort zone. For instance, the 2024 Student BASES conference. Regarding my academia, the BASES membership enables me to stay up to date with contemporary advancements in the industry alongside accessibility to a variety of helpful resources. Plus, the BASES membership has enabled me to network with other like-minded individuals who wish to pursue a career in a similar pathway to myself.
Michael Penketh
BASES Role: Student Representative (UG) for the Physical Activity for Health Division
About me: I am 3rd year undergraduate BSc Sport & Exercise Science Student at Teesside University in Middlesbrough currently researching Physical Education in Secondary Schools for my dissertation doing an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Study of PE Teachers understanding and experiences of Health Relates Physical Education within their schools. This is a first step in my planned pathway of research in this area progressing hopefully into MPhil and Phd in the years to come.
I have led an active lifestyle as an athlete competing in Football, triathlon and most recently as I’ve gotten older and more time poor in squash where I now regularly compete at club level.
I’m pleased to be the undergraduate student rep for the division and part of the BASES student advisory group as I am passionate about physical activity and health and looking to get more student engagement with BASES as a whole and within my university.
Manisha Aggarwal
Role: Postgraduate Representative for the Division of Psychology
About me: I’m currently completing the Professional Doctorate in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University. This means I’m undertaking my training to become a Sport and Exercise Psychologist, whilst conducting research. I have a range of interests and experiences including cultural competency, performing arts and supporting coaches. Alongside this, I’m currently working as the Learning Support Lead at University Campus of Football Business, supporting students with additional needs.
Benefits: Being a member of BASES, has helped me to keep in the ‘know’ of all the events that are going on such as CPD webinars that massively help my development and practice. Having access to such resources means I am able to keep up to date with relevant research and hear about experiences from other practitioners!
Division Committee - Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour
Name | Position |
Diana Soares | Student Representative (PG) |
Julia Suchanecka | Student Representative (UG) |
Division Committee - Physical Activity for Health
Name | Position |
Annabelle Skidmore | Student Representative (PG) |
Micheal Penketh | Student Representative (UG) |
Division Committee - Physiology and Nutrition
Name | Position |
Victoria Tidmas | Student Representative (PG) |
Lily Matthias | Student Representative (UG) |
Division Committee – Psychology
Name | Position |
Manisha Aggarwal | Student Representative (PG) |
Molly Banks | Student Representative (UG) |
Division Committee - Sport and Performance
Name | Position |
Josh Till | Student Representative (PG) |
Patrick Mannix | Student Representative (PG) |